Punk City Giantess, The Making Of

A day to day documentary on the making of my game, Punk City Giantess.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 1 - Meet Your Giantess!

To kick things off right i want to introduce to you first to the giantess that will run rampant in Punk City Giantess.

Her name is Lily and heres a picture of her dealing with two others who were potential giantess candidates but are now playthings for the gigantic Lily!

Stay tuned for more (hopefully daily) updates straight from me!



Anonymous said...

Nice art!!

Anonymous said...

I voted for her ;) I love her cute trousers!

Anonymous said...

Yeah man, amazing stuff! I wouldn't mind getting up close and personal with those feet, as I hope we see more of em!