Punk City Giantess, The Making Of

A day to day documentary on the making of my game, Punk City Giantess.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Day 3 - Police! Police!

A gigantic woman roaming through the streets stomping on cars and knocking over buildings couldnt go on for long without a run in with the police. Here you can see police with a roadblock set up to try to stop her rampage.

It doesnt go so well for them.

But there are other things the police will do other then get crushed.

There may be missions where you have to sneak around police protected areas to get closer to the giantess or to get to places you need to be. Cause if you get stopped by the police theyll restart you farther away from their spot cause its not safe for you in that area.

Footprint of DOOM!!


Friday, July 13, 2007

Day 2 - Cartography 101

Hello and welcome to day 2 here where i will give you a lesson in cartography (aka maps).

Here you will see the colorless concept map for the game giving a nice clean overhead shot of the whole playing area.

And here you can see a slightly upgraded and colored version where ive blocked in large sections of the map with different colors to show the different areas i want to work on.

In the southwest theres a big scribbly section of browns where patches of farms will go. And in the northwest there are lots of trees where some hilly forests are. In Ronstown there are lots of neutral reds and browns because thats a dirty industrial town and up north is a big area of gray for the city of South Bruce.

All the grasses across the map are the best (and most completed) of the coloring (along with the actual road textures). The other colors are just fillers until i really sit down and get to work on all the up close detail of those places.

Theres also a lake now and a small track of water that gives you 4 bridges to cross around the south side of the map. Be careful though! Im pretty sure those little bridges wont be made to support the weight of a full grown giantess! hehe!

Also you'll see a few yellow stars across the map here which represent somethings. hehe but thats a secret for now. Until another update maybe.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 1 - Meet Your Giantess!

To kick things off right i want to introduce to you first to the giantess that will run rampant in Punk City Giantess.

Her name is Lily and heres a picture of her dealing with two others who were potential giantess candidates but are now playthings for the gigantic Lily!

Stay tuned for more (hopefully daily) updates straight from me!
